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Welcome to Turku Programme Week 20 (13.05 – 17.05)

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📅 Monday, May 13
📌 Tips for Learning Finnish
⏰ 14:00 – 16:00
📍 International House Turku Hub, Linnankatu 31 / Click here to join online
Struggling with Finnish? Join Roza Pambukhchyan and Adriano Rocha to gain insights and motivation. Roza will share her journey to fluency, while Adriano introduces helpful digital tools. Come, ask questions, and connect with fellow language learners.

📅 Tuesday, May 14
📌 Finnish Language Practice Group
⏰ 10:00
📍 Click here to join online
Practice Finnish in a supportive online session. Basic A1 proficiency recommended.

📌 Swedish Language Practice Group
⏰ 11:00
📍 Click here to join online
Join our Swedish language practice session. Basic A1 proficiency recommended.

📅 Wednesday, May 15
📌 Finnish and Swedish Language Practice
⏰ 16:30 – 18:00
📍 International House Turku Hub, Linnankatu 31
Practice Finnish or Swedish with native speakers and learners in a friendly setting!

📅 Thursday, May 16
📌 Meet Työpiste (employment services center)
⏰ 10:00 – 12:00: In English
⏰ 13:00 – 15:00: Suomeksi (in Finnish)
📍 Yliopistonkatu 27a, 3rd floor, room 312.
Receive assistance and insights on various topics including the rights and obligations of job seekers, Finnish working life, hidden job markets, and other employment-related issues.
Työpisteelle saamaan tukea ja tietoa työllistymispalveluista, työnhakijan oikeuksista ja velvollisuuksista, suomalaisesta työelämästä, piilotyöpaikoista ja muista työllistymiseen liittyvistä asioista.

📅 Friday, May 17
📌 Piispisperjantai
⏰ 10:00 – 12:00
📍 SparkUp, 2nd Floor, Tykistökatu 4
Join us for a casual networking session. Stay updated on Turku’s events while enjoying coffee, pastries, and friendly conversation.

📌 Digital Services for Job Hunting
⏰ 15:00
📍 International House Turku Hub, Linnankatu 31 / Click here to join online
Test various digital tools to streamline your job search with host Adriano Rocha. Stay for peer support and experience sharing over coffee from 16:00 to 17:00.

For personalized coaching sessions, both in-person and online, please book appointments through Away until 2nd of June.

If you have any questions, feel free to call our Welcome to Turku coordinator, Deeana Lehtinen, at +358 406264313. In urgent matters, please contact +358 449074570

All our events are free of charge.

Hope to see you there!