On this page, you can find information about Finnish language studies in Turku.
Beginner and basic level Finnish
Literacy studies – required language proficiency A0-A1.1. These studies are intended for immigrants who cannot write in their mother tongue, are not familiar with the Latin alphabet, or whose literacy skills are weak. The duration of the studies is 0.5-1 academic years.
Initial stage studies of adult basic education are aimed at students who have only limited general education from their home country. The goal is to provide linguistic and general knowledge skills necessary for completing adult basic education, further studies, or employment. Required language proficiency A0-A1.3.
The final stage studies of adult basic education are designed for students who have only limited general education from their home country – required language proficiency is A2.1.
The goal is to complete the curriculum of Finnish basic education or a part of it, thereby providing the qualifications needed for studying at the secondary level or for employment. The duration of the studies is 1-2 academic years, according to the personal study plan.
Part-time Finnish language courses
- Livia Vocational College
- Aurala (summer, online)
- Kaarina High School Adult Education
- Paasikivi Institute (YKI)
- Raisio Institute
- Turku Adult Education Center
- Turku Vocational Institute (YKI)
- Turku University of Applied Sciences (online)
- Turku Evening High School
- Turku Summer University (summer, online)
- Linnasmäki college (evening course, summer, YKI)
- Finnish Adult Education Center of Turku
Finnish language for different target groups
- Spesia Vocational College (special needs education)
- Raisio Institute & Raisio Parish (for immigrant parents caring for children at home, childcare provided)
- Finnish Adult Education Center of Turku (For long-term unemployed and/or those who have exceeded their integration period, as well as employed immigrants with a low level of Finnish)
- University of Turku (for those eligible for higher education)
- Daisy Ladies (for women)
Strengthen your Finnish in social encounters
The Youth Guarantee Education program at the Finnish Adult Education Center of Turku is aimed at immigrant youths aged 18 to 38 who are in a challenging educational or employment situation.
Basic level Finnish
The Professional Finnish course does not have a specific language proficiency requirement. Applicants can apply through the Employment and Economic Development Office (TE Office) or municipal experiment.
The purpose of these training programs is to prepare students for a specific profession and to study Finnish language relevant to that field. The courses are intended for immigrants interested in a certain profession who already have basic Finnish language skills. The goal of the training is employment in the field or further education. The training includes an internship. The duration of the training is 3-4 months.
Available Labor Force Training – Search with Criteria (te-palvelut.fi)
Finnish Language and Culture Studies – required language proficiency A2 – are offered by the Paasikivi Institute. The purpose of these studies, aimed at immigrants, is to develop the student’s language skills and knowledge of Finnish culture, as well as to increase the knowledge and skills that help to act as an active member of society and in the workplace. The course has level groups with starting levels ranging approximately from A2.2 to B1.1.
Studies for Immigrants | Paasikivi Institute (paasikiviopisto.fi)
Preparatory Education for Qualification Studies, TUVA – sufficient language skills are assessed during an interview. In TUVA education, students gain the skills needed for vocational training, upper secondary school education, or transition to work life, as well as support and guidance in choosing a profession.
S2-focused education is provided by Turku Vocational Institute, Raisio Regional Education and Training Consortium Raseko, Salon seudun ammattiopisto, and Turku Adult Education Center. The education at Vocational Institute Spesia is intended for all those who need intensive special support in their studies and for whom studying in a general educational institution is difficult or even impossible.
More advanced Finnish
Preparatory Education for Further Studies, JAVAK – required language proficiency is B1 (YKI 3) – provided by the Paasikivi Institute. This preparatory education for immigrants is a year-long program aiming to develop and strengthen language skills to reach a B2-C1 proficiency level. The scope of the studies is 38 study points (one academic year, 25 hours per week).
The goals and content of the education include:
- Developing the student’s language skills
- Enhancing study techniques and communication strategies
- Increasing readiness for higher education (UAS, university)
- Expanding knowledge about the labor market and work-related documents
This education is suited for students who already have a B1 level of language proficiency and wish to improve their language skills, students aiming to pursue higher education, or those needing more fluent language skills for professional work in Finland (e.g., academic professions), and students who have completed at least basic education in their home country.
The education is not suitable for students requiring special education who cannot independently move with the group, students with a language proficiency level of A2 or lower, nor students who have not completed basic education. The education is governed by the law on liberal adult education. It does not lead to a degree. The application period starts annually in March.
Finnish Language for Immigrants, Communication and Interaction Skills 20 ECTS – required language proficiency A2.2.-B1 – provided by Turku Vocational Institute. The aim of the education is to achieve a B2 level of language proficiency. During the education, the part of vocational basic qualifications, Communication and Interaction Skills, 20 ECTS, is completed.
Preparatory Education for Higher Education Studies – required language proficiency B1 – is provided by Turku University of Applied Sciences. The Preparatory Education for Higher Education Studies (30 ECTS) is designed for immigrants who wish to study in higher education institutions but need further preparation to do so.
Other Educational Opportunities
- Vocational College Livia
- Aurala (summer, online)
- Kaarina High School adult education line
- Paasikivi Institute (National Certificate of Language Proficiency, YKI)
- Raisio Institute
- Turku Adult Education Center
- Turku Vocational Institute (YKI)
- Turku University of Applied Sciences (online)
- Turku Evening High School
- Turku Summer University (summer, online)
- Linnasmäki Institute (evening course, summer, YKI)
- Finnish Adult Education Center of Turku
- Vocational Institute Spesia (special education institution)
- Raisio Institute & Parish of Raisio (immigrant parents taking care of children at home, childcare arranged)
- Finnish Adult Education Center of Turku (for long-term unemployed and/or immigrants who have completed the integration period, as well as employed immigrants with a low level of Finnish)
- University of Turku (for those eligible for higher education)
- Daisy Ladies (for women)