Welcome to the International House Turku Podcast! Your guide to living, working and studying in Turku.

Tällä viikolla, eli this week we are taking on the Finnish language! We talk to Tiina Hirard from Turku University of Applied Sciences about how to boost your language skills, as well as how much Finnish you really need to know.

Our podcast producer and resident ‘turkulainen’ Markku Liukkonen also joins us to discuss the Turku dialect and how speaking Finnish in our area can be slightly different to the textbooks.
If you have any questions or comments for our podcast team, please reach out to us via our social media channels!
Welcome to Turku Programme: https://ihturku.fi/en/services/welcome-to-turku-programme/
Kielibuusti: https://www.kielibuusti.fi/en
Finnish Courses: https://finnishcourses.fi/
Turkuseuran Tämmöttös Podcast (in Finnish): https://open.spotify.com/show/6Ua8ipFuImtBYpbPQzdh00?si=2f79a0c37d734127
The transcription of the episode can be found here